Saturday, October 2, 2010


Nothing is exchanged here
Not even a single word
I sit and talk alone
So I here my thoughts
Text and pictures
Flood my inbox
I delete or forward them
To find them back again and again
A cycle completes
With nothing exchanged
It’s too easy to be so
It’s free too.
Templates mock
Friends frown
As I type too much
‘U hv 2 b shrt
So I dropped vowels and words,
Inserted signs symbols
In the process
Lost meaning
One day I dropped everything
Now an out cast

This is a poem written by our class teacher for our school magazine.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

+2 Results Announced, achivements for school

The results have been published by board of hse on 12th may, 2010. We have about 93% of winning and there are four students from science batch who got "A plus" in all the 6 subjects. We are happy to say that two among the four are from our class, namely Vijayasree Haridas and Aparna.O.P.
Karthika.I.K(+2 A) and Vinayakumar(+2 C) are the other two brilliant students who have gained A+ for all subjects.
Get the school result from hse
(enter school code=09043)

We depart, not our hearts..

As our farewell party was held on 19 th Feb, we realize that it is the time to depart. In the ceremony, Vijayasree Haridas was awarded for her achivements in state youth festival and Vishnu.C for his achivements in state maths festival.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Friday, October 9, 2009

We are here to create a space where we will speak our minds...freely...frankly...without borders...without inhibitions...we are the creators of the new world.A journey to life begins here...